
Krystal Angelique

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Love this post! Non-Attachment –

Mommy, I want salad..

Soul touching words from my 3 year old. She can’t know that though, because then she’ll have to be a 3 year old and buck the system concerning salad. Bucking the system is encouraged in our home, to let our children and each other see varying dimensions of things but not wanting salad is just one of those things we can’t allow.

Anyway, my girl asked for salad. Usually she asks for entire spreads of food, (she’s spoiled that way) so salad is good. Salad is everything.

I already know that I must satisfy with flavor, texture, and sauce. The sauce is key, as is the perfect amount of it per specifications of the offspring. I like my food saucy too. I also really enjoy preparing food for my youngstars because I can play around with the way fruits and veggies are incorporated and find creative ways to reduce waste. I haaaaaateeeeee wasting food! Fortunate for me, they rarely ever turn down something we’ve prepared.

Onto the salad…

The Mommy I want a Salad

Crisp Romaine
Matchstick veggies
Juicy peppered tomato
Creamy avocado
Tossed just right
Sauce on every bite

Both my 3 year old and almost 1 year old went to work on it. Smiling faces all around!


*The Sauce was a mix of an herbs de Provence vinaigrette and a vegan goddess dressing. So good.

This! Right here…

I don’t know how I came to it..had to have been The Most High looking out because this right here was 49 minutes well spent!

I jotted down how each segment felt to me (Venus is my favorite) and came up with,

“Untitled” for now

Purification comes by fire; Mars exposes my desire

Venus, ushers me into weightlessness

Mercury wakes my drifting eye and peaks the lid with winged optimism

Jupiter extends grand gesture; one felt in the heart. No stone is left unturned in his act of love

I bare the weight of Saturn to revel in his sweet reward

In the groove of the master I find a space where I can see, the magic Uranus works on me

Neptune’s mystical waters warm up to my yearning body as I relenquish all I had…

Good music is one of my favorite pleasures in life. So thankful for all creative artists. 💜




Emerge to see




I love the creative ability of a mind and how the thoughts we think create what we see and experience. Freedom to the fullest. Anything for real is possible through the power of the mind. F all the bs...anything is possible through the power of the mind!








Poetry – I Am


Two of the most powerful words because what comes after them shapes your reality.

 I am infinite



I am love.

I am passion.

I am Fire & I am Earth.

I am wind.

I’m wild rushing Water.

I am Ether.

I am the All

All is me.

Maximum Gratitude


Building myself up via some words. I’ve been writing since I was a child. It was an escape for me. Most cases, it was on a passionately negative tip and after watching the effects of my written word on my life play out over the years, I only write to the betterment of myself. It’s only right.

Anyway, I’m chillin in the car on the way back from a trip and these thoughts came to mind…

No worries in maximum gratitude
Insides smile in maximum gratitude
I got to stay in maximum gratitude
No matter what the elements throw me.

I played softball, so it’s not that hard
To swing the bat and the ball fly far.
Maximum gratitude is the way to go

I sit back & watch my garden grow…

Fuck grammar, opinions & all the other bullshit. Express yourself and keep it POSITIVE!


💜, Moi.

Mind warps

Mind warps, mind fucks.

What’s the matter? No, what’s the mind?


Mind warps, mind fucks.

Get it out your heart. Real talk.


Get it IN…


Just a little fine tuning before I head to dreamland. I decided to write it just as it came to me and not get into grammar and technicalities and such. Original me just chilling in the dark appreciating life…

I am love. I send love. I accept & greatly appreciate love.



I find myself listening to Aum all the time…

Outside of my daughters, I pretty much spend a good portion of my time in silence. I need it. My body craves it. I’m one of those types. When I listen to Aum, I feel the stillness of it come up on me and accompany the silence. It’s so soothing.

Aum is that auspicious word, that when uttered creates a frequency that encompasses all of consciousness.

Au – Gold

M = 13 = The test, the suffering & the death. Cleansing/purifying number.

Au M

I’m into it.

If anyone else is into it, here’s the youtube video I always go to:

Total atmosphere changer.

As always, thank you for reading, take it light ❤

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